
How To Uninstall WinThruster

You can uninstall any of Solvusoft's products quickly and easily by using the uninstall feature built into Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.

Instructions for Windows 7 and Windows Vista:

  1. Open Programs and Features by clicking the Start buttonIcon.
  2. Click Control Panel on the right side menu.
  3. Click Programs Windows 7.
  4. Click Programs and Features Windows 7.
  5. Locate WinThruster under the Name column.
  6. Click on the WinThruster entry.
  7. Click the Uninstall button Uninstall on the top menu ribbon.
  8. Follow the on-screen directions to complete the uninstallation of WinThruster.

Instructions for Windows XP:

  1. Open Programs and Features by clicking the Start button Start.
  2. Click Control Panel Control Panel.
  3. Click Add or Remove Programs XP.
  4. Locate WinThruster under the list of Currently Installed Programs.
  5. Click on the WinThruster entry.
  6. Click the Remove button Remove on the right side.
  7. Follow the on-screen directions to complete the uninstallation of WinThruster.

Instructions for Windows 8:

  1. Hover the cursor in the bottom left of the screen to produce the Start Menu image Windows 8.
  2. Right-Click to bring up the Start Context Menu.
  3. Click Programs and Features.
  4. Locate WinThruster under the Name column.
  5. Click on the WinThruster entry.
  6. Click the Uninstall/Change on the top menu ribbon.
  7. Follow the on-screen directions to complete the uninstallation of WinThruster.

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