Troubleshooting Problems Opening LBXLBK Files
Common LBXLBK Opening Problems
Missing Digital Library System
If you attempt to load your LBXLBK file, you experience a message such as "Can't Open LBXLBK Files". If so, it typically means that you don't have Digital Library System installed for %%os%%. The OS won't know what to do with your LBXLBK file, so double-clicking to load the file doesn't work.
Tip: If you don't have Digital Library System installed, and you know of another program to open your LBXLBK file, you can try opening it by selecting from the programs listed under "Show Apps".
Obsolete Version of Digital Library System
Occasionally, you might have an outdated version of Digital Library System installed that's incompatible with your Libronix Digital Library System (DLS) License Backup type. Visit the Libronix Corporation website to download (or purchase) the latest version of Digital Library System. This problem is predominately due to having a Libronix Digital Library System (DLS) License Backup file version that was created by a newer version of Digital Library System than what you have installed on your PC.
Tip: Find clues on the correct software version by right-clicking your LBXLBK file and clicking "Properties".
Summary: Not having the right Digital Library System version on your computer can cause problems opening LBXLBK files.
More Causes of Problems Opening LBXLBKs
Although you might already have Digital Library System or another LBXLBK-associated software installed on your computer, you can still encounter problems opening Libronix Digital Library System (DLS) License Backup files. There can be external issues inside of %%os%% that are causing these errors when opening LBXLBKs. Problems unrelated to software:
- LBXLBK file type Registry entries are wrong
- The LBXLBK file description within the Windows Registry was removed
- Incomplete or bad installation of a software application associated with the LBXLBK format
- File corruption affecting your LBXLBK file
- The LBXLBK is infected with a virus
- Hardware associated with LBXLBK has outdated drivers
- Too many applications are open on your PC to load your Libronix Digital Library System (DLS) License Backup file successfully
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